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Scaling CAS in an Accounting Firm: Why Technology Alone Won't Save You

Read Time: 4:49 minutes

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Running an accounting firm at scale can feel like juggling flaming bowling pins—while riding a unicycle. It's no small feat, and the challenge grows as your client base expands. If you've been down this road, you know that success doesn't just come from better tech. In my experience, the real magic comes from focusing on three key things: pricing, accountability, and selective services. Let's break it down.

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Pricing: Less is More

The first thing I've found is that fewer clients often means more value. When you increase your prices and work with fewer, the value you can provide increases. You're no longer bogged down by volume. Instead, you're focusing on quality and deeper client relationships. Higher prices also create a more invested client. The clients willing to pay more are more responsive, attend meetings on time, and ask more questions before executing.

Value pricing is crucial for firms growing their CAS. CAS isn't about churning out numbers and reports. It's about delivering insights and advice that help businesses grow. If you're running a high-volume, low-touch CAS model, you will burn out before you see real success. Trust me, refining your pricing model might feel scary at first, but it'll save you countless headaches.

Accountability: Tools That Work

Technology is great for automating and improving efficiency, but software will only save you if your team is aligned. I recommend using a system like EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) or Scaling Up. I'm a fan of EOS and used it in a top 100 firm. It does a fantastic job of keeping everyone accountable—from your staff to you as the owner. But here's the catch: if you're not ready to have challenging, open, and honest conversations within your team (and with yourself), EOS will be a waste of time.

I've seen firms struggle with accountability because, let's face it, it's uncomfortable. No one likes being called out and wants to admit when they're not pulling their weight. But without accountability, everything else falls apart—your processes, client relationships, and growth potential. So, before diving into the shiny tech tools that promise to "fix" your firm's problems, ask yourself if technology will solve your issues.

If you are headed to QuickBooks Connect, I recommend attending the "All About EOS: Meet 3 Practicing Firms" session featuring Chris Williams, Chad Davis, and Matthew May. These guys know their stuff and can provide real-world insights into how EOS transformed their firms.

Selective Services: You Don't Have to Do It All

Many firms fall into the trap of being a one-stop shop, thinking it'll keep clients from going elsewhere. But here's the thing: very rarely is every service in your offering going to be the best of the best. It's like deciding to use only Microsoft products in your firm—sure, you could do it, but most of the tools will be just "okay." You'll probably miss out on better solutions out there.

I learned this lesson early in my career when I worked at a firm that handled many after-the-fact payrolls and manual payroll returns. The problem? Payroll is relentless—there's no vacation, no room for error, and it's an administrative burden that ties up valuable resources. So, I made a tough call and eliminated that service. Why? Because I wanted my team to focus on higher-value work where they could make a difference.

The result? We had more time to focus on CAS and advisory services, which moved the needle for our clients. Before you load up on services, ask yourself if offering the service adds more value to your client than partnering with a third party. If not, cut them loose and watch your firm thrive.

The Real Issue: People, Process, or Product?

Here's the truth: scaling an accounting firm is less about the technology you use and more about addressing the real issues within your firm. Are your problems related to people, processes, or products (services)? Or, worst-case scenario, all three? If you're unsure, start with something like EOS or Scaling Up. These systems will help you figure out what's holding your firm back.

The bottom line is this: tech might give you incremental gains, but focusing on pricing, accountability, and being selective about your services will drive transformational change. So, before you buy into the latest software fad, take a step back and focus on the foundation. Trust me, your future self (and team) will thank you.

Thanks for reading, Luke Templin!

P.S. There are two ways I can help you grow your CAS offerings when you are ready:

  1. Join my How to Start Offering Advisory Services Cohort. The next one starts in January.

  2. Cannot wait until January? Check out the pre-recorded version here.